New Jersey Policy Perspective produces independent research and analysis on policy solutions to advance social, economic, and racial justice. From data-driven reports to policy briefs and explainers, we work to provide lawmakers, legislative staff, advocates, community leaders, and reporters with the facts and figures behind the most pressing policy issues facing the Garden State.

Poll: Most New Jerseyans Want Bold Solutions on State Taxes

Voters support three critical components of NJPP's proactive tax reform agenda.

New Jersey Third Hardest Hit State Under House Tax Proposal

27 percent of New Jersey taxpayers would see a tax hike while the wealthiest households would get huge tax cuts.

Millions of New Jerseyans Deduct Billions in State and Local Taxes Each Year

A total of 1.8 million New Jersey households deduct a cumulative $17 billion in state income or sales taxes from their federal taxes.

As DACA Ends, Here’s How New Jersey Can Help DREAMers

Allowing undocumented students access to state financial aid is a good start.

Unlikely Allies Oppose Mega-Subsidy for Amazon

NJPP and Americans for Prosperity-New Jersey joined forces yesterday.

Trump’s Sabotage Threatens Health Care for New Jerseyans

We run down the New Jersey impact of the latest executive branch actions on the ACA.

Tax Credit Delays Continue to Hurt New Jersey Families

State’s EITC ‘fraud screening’ process targets the most vulnerable taxpayers.

House Budget Threatens Billions in Cuts for New Jerseyans to Set Up Damaging Tax Plan

Majority of New Jersey Republicans voted 'no' on House Budget resolution.

16-Cent Wage Hike is Not Enough for New Jersey’s Low-Paid Workers

Gradually increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour is urgently needed.

To Attract Amazon, New Jersey Needs Public Investments

Focusing on bigger and more dangerous tax breaks alone won’t work. Here's why.

New Senate Proposal Greatest Threat Yet to Health Care in New Jersey

Graham-Cassidy bill would cause 71 percent jump in New Jerseyans without coverage.

DACA Directive Dims the Future of Thousands of Young New Jersey Immigrants

Only eight states have a higher number of DACA recipients than New Jersey.

New Jersey’s Progress on Health Coverage Must Not Be Undone

The share of New Jerseyans with insurance has increased by 39 percent in three years.

Reforming New Jersey’s Income Tax Would Help Build Shared Prosperity

By reforming New Jersey's income tax code, we can help build the kind of state we want to see, where families across the income spectrum have a better chance to thrive.

NJPP’s Brandon McKoy on Higher Ed Funding Cuts

State investment in public higher education has faded after the Great Recession.

Latest Health Bill Would Deeply Cut Funding for New Jersey

New Jersey among the hardest hit states, with a 53 percent cut in funding by 2026.

New Jersey’s Investment in Higher Ed Still Falling Short

Support for public colleges and universities is 21.3 percent lower than in 2008.

New Jersey’s Marketplace Leads the U.S in Making Health Care Affordable

The health insurance Marketplace in New Jersey has provided a national example of progress.

Policy Solutions for Low-Wage Working Families

Raising the minimum wage & expanding the EITC would help many low-paid Americans.

Jackie Cornell Named NJPP Director of Development & External Affairs

Cornell will direct NJPP’s fundraising and outreach efforts.

McKinsey Confirms: New Jersey Overspends on Tax Subsidies

New Jersey's policy governing tax breaks for corporations has gone off the rails.

Lawmakers Should Block Governor’s Health Transfer Plan

The proposal needs more study and much more careful consideration.

Gov. Christie Guts Family Leave Bill in Conditional Veto

New Jersey can - and must - do better for its working caregivers.

Trump Tax Plan: A Boon for the Wealthiest New Jerseyans

Let’s get real: this is not a blueprint for economic opportunity or shared prosperity.

Don’t Forget to Fix New Jersey’s Shrinking Rainy Day Fund

Projected end-year surplus can fund just five days of government operation.
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