Physical, mental, and emotional health are the building blocks of a fair and just society. That requires access to comprehensive, high-quality health care, regardless of anyone’s income, race, or where they were born. It also means addressing systemic racism that has harmed the health of Black and brown communities. New Jersey can and should do more to allow all residents to lead healthy lives.

Featured Publication

New Jersey’s Prescription Drug Price Council Must Act To Build on Federal Progress

Beyond the Pandemic: New Data Reveals Growing Health Insurance Coverage Gaps

Medical Debt Protections Paired with Debt Elimination and Addressing High Health Care Cost Leads to Health Equity

Strengthening Access to Affordable Reproductive Health Care Coverage Advances Equity

Prohibiting Reporting Medical Debt to Credit Reporting Agencies Would Help Protect New Jersey’s Most Vulnerable Residents from Financial Ruin

Arbitrary Time Limits on Emergency Assistance Prevent New Jerseyans From Receiving Supports They Need

Extending Emergency Assistance Would Help New Jersey Residents Avoid Hunger and Homelessness

Building on Existing Programs Will Help Support New Jersey’s Families

The Best Medicine: How the Drug Affordability Council Can Advance Future Drug Pricing Reforms in New Jersey

What The Dobbs Decision Means for Abortion Rights in New Jersey and Beyond

Lessons Learned from New Census Data on Health Insurance

The New “Easy Enrollment” Program will Lower Barriers to Affordable Health Care

Roe v. Wade Decision Will Deny Millions of People the Freedom to Control Their Own Bodies

It’s Still Time for All Kids Coverage

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Striking Down Roe v. Wade is a Denial of Human Rights and Basic Freedom

Essential Workers, Advocates, and Policy Experts Urge Lawmakers to Spend American Rescue Plan Funds on Direct Relief for Working Families

Prescription Drug Affordability Board Would Help Lower Prescription Drug Costs

Adjusting Work First New Jersey Eligibility Would Help Tackle Child Poverty

Easy Enrollment Would Help Lower Uninsured Rates in New Jersey