
NJPP’s Gordon MacInnes Joins Legislative Leaders & Advocates Calling on New Jersey to Raise the Minimum Wage

"We’ve got a minimum wage, at $8.38 an hour, that doesn’t come close to allowing a full-time worker to have a chance in New Jersey.”

Published on Feb 5, 2016 in Economic Justice

Yesterday in Trenton, New Jersey Policy Perspective president Gordon MacInnes joined Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee Chairman John Wisniewski, Assembly Budget Committee Chairman Gary Schaer and Senate Economic Growth Committee Chairman Raymond Lesniak and dozens of advocates at a press conference convened by New Jersey Working Families on the need to increase New Jersey’s minimum wage to $15 an hour.

“Our middle class is shrinking, the working class is squeezed tight and the poor are destitute,” MacInnes said. “We’ve got a minimum wage, at $8.38 an hour, that doesn’t come close to allowing a full-time worker to have a chance in New Jersey.”

He added that New Jersey taxpayers foot the bill for low-wage employers in a major way.

“Taxpayers step in to subsidize employers who are perfectly happy to provide low wages,” he said. “In this year’s budget, we’re going to put forward – though it will be hidden – almost $1 billion in public subsidies to low-wage employers. … It’s time to put an end to that.”

The full video is embedded below, thanks to the Assembly Democratic office. MacInnes’ comments begin around the 28 minute mark, but the full video is worth watching.

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